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cute half- asian fucking and squirting

A cute half- asian is quietly washing the dishes while her boss gets in the kitchen with his video camera. He just bought a new gadget and wants to try it. The cutty, as a good and devoted handmaid proposes herself to give him a blowjob so that he has better things to record. First, offended, he refuses, but after she insists, he lets it go... So she grabs on his cock and swallow it as she hadn t been eating for one week. She swallows it so deep that she almost spits up. Driven crazy by such a blowjob, the guy puts 3 fingers in her pussy and ploughs it up to make her skirt, and what a squirt !! She showers everything around with her sweet cream.. So big boss decides to smash in her pussy !! He fucked her every way he can and she bays of pleasure. And once they both have had a great moment, he cums onto her nice little face. It s so good to have domestic staff you can trust in !!

  • 00:25:26
  • Jul 01, 2022
  • 137


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