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diaper full of pee in the garden

Wearing diapers in public is an experience that gives me a mix of mixed emotions, but overall extremely pleasant.
The feeling of having a diaper on, which wraps me and protects me, gives me a unique sense of security and tranquility. I feel pampered and protected, It is a physical and mental comfort that accompanies me throughout the day.
When I m out, I try not to attract too much attention, but at the same time I don t hide. I like the idea that someone might notice my secret, that they might sense my little transgression. It s an exciting thrill, adding a little spice to my daily routine.
Sometimes, if I m feeling particularly daring, I like to wear clothes that highlight the shape of the diaper. A pair of tight pants or a short skirt can be a subtle way to show the world my passion.
And look here as I fill it with hot pee while I m in the garden under the eyes of my neighbors. I make it huge with hot, yellow piss just for you!
Wearing diapers in public is a personal

  • 00:13:05
  • Jul 01, 2024
  • 25


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