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massage w/sex dava foxxx - happy endings sensual massage sex

Dava Foxxx is one GORGEOUS milf. I have to say this is one of my personal favorite experiences. I did even less editing than I did with the last video. She started off a bit firm that we would only be doing a massage, She was comfortable to begin fully nude, and with her amazing body it was obvious why.

She started giving signs of arousal as the massage progressed and as I massaged further up her thighs I could feel the wetness and how hot she was.

I massaged the front of her body and her perfect tits and, for the first time, I spread her legs, watching her smile slightly and then moved in to put my mouth and her dripping wet pussy. I watched her reaction and she kept her subtle smile, and then began to moan until she came from my mouth. She is the type that really likes to touch the person that is making her feel good so from that point on it just got even better.

She had multiple squirting orgasms staring at me and gripping my arm. She reaches out and starts stro

  • 00:33:07
  • Sep 12, 2024
  • 73


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