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snitches are bitches

This weeks submission shows what happens when you snitch on your fellow pledges. The sisters at *** sorority have a zero tolerance policy for snitches. They appreciate the fact that the rush in this case told on her soon to be sisters for missing curfew but saw it was only fair to punish all three of them. So what happens to snitches at *** they get stripped down and put in a cage to think about what they did wrong. as for the other two trouble makers they had to also strip down and oil each other down for a naked wrestling conest between all three rushes. After the wrestling bit they had to lay in a row and the head sister stripped down and had each one of the rushes each her out. as she sat on their faces they were constantly humiliated. this one was pretty hott.

  • 00:28:30
  • Mar 19, 2012
  • 1083


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