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naked bocce

You know if you take any game, and you make the looser strip, it makes for real good quality fun. That’s exactly what I had in mind for today. I woke up, and it was such a beautiful day, I just had to throw a little get together with some friends, grill some burgers, and play some Bocce ball. But what fun would it be, if we didn t get to some boys???, right Exactly, well that s what I had planned all along. I must say I had so much fun; I really enjoyed getting the guys naked and making them pickup balls, hehe... After a while of playing, I got bored as usual and I wanted to have even more fun, the kind of fun I like to have. So let s just say I took care of that looser, really well, while my friends took care of the other looser that was just grilling. He didn t even wanna play because he was afraid he would lose, but what he didn t know was that he was a looser all along!!! Haha

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 26, 2009
  • 254


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