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sweet lavish styles

Lavish Styles makes herself at home when she finds the bed at the Motel we are filming. She can t resist pulling her panties to the side and sliding her fingers up and down her bald snatch. She s busted soon though, and when a guy walks into the room she decides to let him play. After some small talk the girl quickly takes his cock into her mouth to get it nice and hard and then spreads her legs wide so he can fuck her. She won t take no for an answer. She loves to fuck men like a crazy woman. She goes in all sorts of positions and does the job right. She s very limber and always ready to fuck. This babe finishes him off spectacularly when she bounces up and down on his cock in the ride of her life.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 09, 2008
  • 155


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