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using his sperm as sunscreen - outdoor sex adventure on a random public beach in germany

What an unforgettable experience! :D Exploring the riverside we find a nice place on the beach where only the passing ships can see us - good enough for us :P We almost get caught actually by a bypasser as you can see in the video :D After swimming naked and enjoying the sun we start enjoying ourselves.. I suck him, he licks me and then fucks me from the front and from behind untill I have one of my best orgasms ever! Respect to him for not cumming with me but he seems to have something different in mind with his sperm. And what a gentleman he is, covering me with his tasty sperm so I don t have to use sunscreen :P Lovely! Rubbing it into my skin I do notice that it s a bit more sticky than my usual sunblock but anyways.. it works for me ;)

  • 00:46:33
  • Sep 27, 2024
  • 143


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