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mariah and ashli head to the keys

What s up guys this time my destination was the keys where I took two sexy and delicious hotties under the name of Mariah Milano and Ashli Orion. I took these two babes to the keys where we took them for a helicopter ride that turned into a sexy ride because these two started masturbating in the back. I don t know if there is something about heights that makes chicks go crazy horny. So we took an awesome ride, and then we head back to the hotel where my boy Demetri was waiting for us. These two girls were hungry for cock, so the party started outdoors. Yes peeps, we fucked these two girls in the outdoors where the sun was spicy and where the sand was all over us. This was a fun day, and everything was recorded, even when the cop stopped us for public nudity. So check this out, because this video is wicked hot!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 06, 2008
  • 225


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