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nic-hole in one!!!

So it was The Dirty One s birthday... and I wanted to share the festivities all of you guys with the assistance of my old friend Marc... who I hadn t seen in about ... He caught wind of my dealings with Miami broads and wanted in... So we find Nicole on the cusp of her lunch break when we swindle her into the cauldron that is the Bang Bus with promises of cash for ass.... Now this chick is the sterotypical Miami cuban broad... great tits... pretty face.. juicy round ass but no other words... PERFECT!!!!!!!! Panch hooked me up with a new digital camera... so I even got some shots of this chick worshipping Marc s cock!!! In the end... I paid the cuban whore with what all cubana broads really want... some black beans!!!!! Enjoy! The Dirty One...

  • 00:55:30
  • Aug 10, 2004
  • 210


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