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bathing the cock

While out here in Praque, Borya runs into Paul and Vanessa, a tourist couple from a town called Bernell and let me tell you Vanessa sure is a cutie, can t wait to see her without any clothes on. The couple is looking for a hotel to settle down,but Borya offers them to come to his place for the time being so they can rest up, shower and keep him company instead of wasting money on a hotel. Once back at Borya s flat the couple decides to take a shower before it gets too late, Borya hands her a towel and follows them into the bathroom, as they get undress in the bathroom things get a bit heated as they get into the tub and wow! let me tell you Vanessa has a slamming body on her, a mouthful of tits, an ass thats just perfect to watch getting fuck doggy style, and a pretty pink pussy with thick lips to suck on, oh yeah! While in the tub Vanessa grabs the nozzle to wash her man s body gradually working her way down towards his cock, it didn t take too long before she got down stuffing it in her mouth making Paul moan with every stroke she gave his cock, they decided to go into the bedroom to continue form there and that my friends they sure did. Paul ate that pussy out like a champ fucking her really good in multiple positions on Borya s bed as he watched. You have to stay tuned to this one, it s an awesome sight to see a cock go in and out of a nice plump pussy like the one Vanessa has. It s worth it. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 04, 2009
  • 211


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