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kelsi twerks on a cock

Kelsie Monroe has the fattest ass I ve ever seen! We have a special one for you today folks. We have Kelsi Monroe stopping by with her crew to start having fun and twerk for us. Her posse hypes her up as she shakes, bounce, and twerks her fat ass. We have a good time watching them outside before Kelsi wanted to move to inside her studio. Once there we couldn t help but to keep our mouths open watching Kelsi shake her badonkadonk. Our boy Peter stops by to clean as he got a new job and can t afford to lose it. He starts cleaning but starts to marvel at Kelsi s moves. He gets caught staring and gets dragged into the mix. He runs away after a bit since he can t lose his job but Kelsi brings him back in. She really wants to fuck him but she teases him by shaking her ass right in his face. Kelsi tells her posse to leave them alone and that s when the good stuff starts happening. Watch Peter fuck this mammoth of an ass and hypnotize yourself with the way Kelsi can move it. Keep your mouth cl

  • 00:35:24
  • Nov 30, 2020
  • 1255


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