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kara tai takes 13 inches in her ass

Yo whats up! This week on monsters of cock we met up with Castro Supreme down on South Beach. I told him I had a homegirl doing some photo gig up in my apartment and that I want them to meet. Kara Tai is a hot asian babe with that beautiful slender body, great legs and a fuzzy peach to go with it. Kara told me that she had never had sex with a big cock before so I introduced her to Castro. They hit off quickly especially when she saw the WMD in his pants. Watch Kara shove thirteen inches of man meat down her throat and deep in her pussy. Then after Kara gets fucked in several different positions, watch Kara get fucked in the ASS! Yes shes a sporty fuck as she takes all length and width deep anal. Its a bad ass Monsters for the new year.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 14, 2008
  • 561


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