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So after the complete pounding of Reagan, Shane, Ugly and I were getting known around the campus. I mean, you know how guys talk, so anyway, one night after a round of hits I recieved a telephone call from a great friend of mine who likes to call himself romeo - its a latin thing. So he tells me he s got to be with us for our next ride out and offered me a bit of cash that I could not turn down. With that money I bought my first camera to take pictures of all our memorable moments . We all got together the next day and it appeared that the gods were not going to smile down upon us, therefore rain and a fucking lot of it... pouring to put it best. We couldn t find any chicks and I was feeling bad because we talked all this shit and we looked like fucking punks. Then my main partner, Ugly, had a flash of brilliance what about the bus stops? And there she was, soaking wet and standing, waiting for a bus. Monica was the best of chick, the way I like em, fiesty and bitchy.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 18, 2001
  • 256


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