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They say that third times a charm, well I guess we re about to find out. Daimon calls me at fucking 4:00am after Ugly showed the movie of monica at a party. Daimon said he would give me $500 to take him out if he could get laid by an absolute stranger. Anybody that knows Mr. Dirty Sanchez knows I dont turn down $500 and the chance to see one of my buddies stuff some bitch. So we set out, the sun was shining and man it was hot out. I swear to you that we drove around for two fucking hours to find absolutely dick then we saw her hitchhicking. Sasha was a stunning nice piece of sweet tender ass ready for a stuffing although she didn t know it. But man was she easy to get in and only asked once what s with that camera in her not so good broken english. Of course I said its cool were just artists so she got in. The ride started off easy with normal chit-chat, nothing serious, then I asked, so are you kinky and the response kinky no I m not kinky Yea right . This girls wearing a fucking

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 25, 2001
  • 265


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