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You know, it s about time I decided to be a nice fucking guy for once.So i convinced Ugs to pick up a die-hard Bang Bus fan by the name of Dylan. He had been writing us e-mails and shit begging us for a chance to be put on. so we promise to pick up this groupie of ours as long as he stops fucking annoying us. After we pick him up, we proceed with the hunt and find what seemed to be a willing slut sweeping up dirty condoms and used cracked pipes. They were probably all hers anyways. So we convince this bitch to put down the broom stick she uses to fuck herself in the ass with and show her how things are done in the U.S. Now this bitch was fucking money! Her little immigrant cuban accent was about the only thing interesting on this whore. Our groupie Dylan even proves he s a fan by doing classic BangBus moves on this slut! After we were done with this bitch, she was probably wishing she was still back in cuba! Enjoy... The Diry One

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 23, 2002
  • 195


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