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I BUMPED INTO ANDY AT THE SUPERMARKET AND HE saw my BangBus shirt and practically begged to be put on. So I decided to bring along this british brute along. He had been telling me that he s heard wild stories about american women and wanted to find out if they were true. Now what kind of real American wouldn t help this poor sucker out? We saw Tina in some random strip mall and flashed some $$$ in her face..we all know the routine! After senseless convo...we get right into it. I thought Andy was going to break Tina s little ass in half! YOU SHOULD SEE HER TAKE ANAL!!! In the end... the English reinforce the fact that they re backwards ...wanna see how? WATCH THE SHOOT! Trust me...heh...The Dirty One

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 08, 2002
  • 254


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