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harlow tricked into diapers & cumming by jade

Jade Janzten has a revenge plan for unsuspecting friend Harlow West. First, get her tired and pliable... then lead her into your bizarre nursery room & quickly restrain her arms before she can protest! Then once she s trapped, you reveal your plan to make her wear her own bathroom (aka. DIAPERS) and humiliate her by making her wet it and also cum in it while you take pics & laugh, LOL. But... Harlow doesn t want to wear a gross diaper! Too bad. Jade stuffs a pacifier in her mouth to shut her up while she takes her shorts off and diapers her! How embarrassing. Jade puts a big baby bottle in her mouth & then puts her feet in stirrups. THen she takes a vibrator and puts it over Harlows diaper, almost making her cum but then doesn t let her, totally edging her. She finally makes her cum in her diaper several times while laughing at her. Jade feels Harlows diaper and then notices it s warm and WET! OMG, she laughs at the fact she wet her diaper and takes pictures to blackmail

  • 00:13:57
  • Jul 03, 2024
  • 115


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