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the seduction in room 301 - my step mom fuck my lover who doesn t like me him, in hotel full scene

From the moment Amber introduced Ikaerus to her step mother, she felt the tension in the air. Neyien, a woman of strict principles and proud of her impeccable reputation, had made her reservations clear from the first meeting.

“Amber, he’s not right for you,” Neyien would repeat whenever she saw Ikaerus. “He lacks stability and ambition. You need someone who complements you, not someone who drags you into his chaotic life.”

Tired of the constant judgments, Amber decided to keep seeing Ikaerus in secret. She fell in love with his free spirit and his ability to make her laugh, though she understood why her step mother disapproved of him: he was an artist with no fixed direction, and his life was as unpredictable as it was passionate. But for Amber, that was precisely what attracted her.

One day, in an attempt to relax and escape her routine, Neyien decided to take an afternoon off. She booked a room in a hotel on the outskirts of the city to enjoy a night of rest. Ro

  • 00:26:58
  • Jun 20, 2024
  • 40


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