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her green eyes will glamour you! 1104h

Big breasts and lovely legs are just the beginning of the list of what makes Karma great! She s just a bundle of loveness in every possible way! From her 5 8 frame and 36DD-27-37 booty-licious frame, to the way her lips and eyes invite you in and say , uh,uh,uh, you better have your game on to get with this honey. Silky black hair, and glamouring green eyes will take you to the doorway to heaven!
This set will have your nuts screaming for release as she blows, rides and mows the lucky fuckers prick to complete paradise. Her shaved pussy is flawless and combined with that small waste and big bells a hanging while she s pouncing on a meat stick, you ll think your in paradise, and you could be right!

  • 00:11:57
  • Jul 12, 2003
  • 17


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