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goddesses seek revenge and mind control their beta boss

This video features mind control, femme revenge fantasy, boot worship, magic control fantasy, boss employee, blackmail fantasy, office domination, mesmerize, femdom POV, humiliating boss, foot domination, thigh high boots. Jane Judge and I are at work when Jane comes to me with this cool new app she downloaded - she tells me that with just the click of a button, we can make our awful boss do whatever we want. We call you into the office and Jane wastes no time putting you under our spell. Now that you re completely helpess to our control we give you demands and what your life will now look like: You will hand over the company over to us because we can run it better than you can. You will fetch our coffee and meals, and you will clean our boots with your tongue. You will eat that gum that was left on the bottom of my boot because you will do anything we say. Enjoy throat fucking those knee high boot heels because on your knees is where you will forever belong. We re the boss now!

  • 00:11:52
  • Jun 19, 2024
  • 45


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