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milah romanov wetting tight booty shorts pissing

Reason #5 why Milah Romanov shouldn t have nice things: She gets her fancy diamond tennis bracelet stuck in the back of the dryer! She calls for her roommate to help but the pressure in her bladder is building too quickly. She makes her roommate find pliers & tools to assist. Milah resorts to grabbing her crotch & wiggling around but her hot pee is pouring out everywhere! Great desperation talk, great closeup front shot of her crotch as she loses control & it just streaming out & down her legs and back (also a 2nd back shot of the wetting). She shows how soaked her tight booty shorts are & then her roommate comes back & Milah needs to explain the situation. She peels off her pissy booty shorts to show HER OWN wet panties and we talk about a real life accident(s) she s had!

  • 00:10:32
  • Jun 18, 2024
  • 144


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