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erotique entertainment - contract star veronica rodriguez in her finest red lingerie and heels to suck and fuck her lover eric john live on erotiquetv plus raven dawn

Erotique Entertainment and Eric John proudly present a joyful orgasmic full length live sex session with Erotique Entertainment Contract Star VERONICA RODRIGUEZ and porn legend ERIC JOHN and with a special cameo by Eric s blonde teen girlfriend RAVEN DAWN, originally broadcast on ErotiqueTVLive.

Veronica and Eric are regular lovers and each other s favorites. The way they always touch, kiss, and look at each other is something that is natural and comfortable for two with a true connection, their bodies and minds in sync and they become one.

Here, Veronica has dressed in her finest red lingerie, necklace, earrings, and bracelet, wearning stockings and authentic red-soled high heels that Eric loves so much. Her sexy nails are the perfect deep red that says sex, and you can see red highlights in her hair - all the details that matter for her lover.

She happily strokes Eric s dick and balls with a mischievous smile and a gleam in her eye, in a high quality POV section,

  • 00:38:04
  • Jun 16, 2024
  • 75


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