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suffering for art - the dommes collaboration - with subtitles

Sinister and Imaginatrix have many talents. As well as being gorgeous and charismatic domitarixes, they have an artistic side which you can see on display in this video from their shared artists studio. Of course their medium is a little unusual: the raw materials are Jenby Doll and I, jute ropes and metal clamps, and the reactions they can draw from us as we do our best to be silent, submissive, compliant works in progress. Lots of objectification and talking about us, not to us. I expect this one will be enjoyed by forniphiliacs and exhibitionists alike. The artistes banter back and forth, discussing and demonstrating their creative processes, and sharing musings on the artistic merits of suffering. There are quite a few laughs in this one as Sinister and Imaginatrix make cutting remarks about each others work, and give constructive criticism as they both test out different things with our bodies.
What started competitive, draws to a climax with the two artists realising that i

  • 00:37:59
  • Jun 14, 2024
  • 57


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