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larissa in bondage, tickling and domination

Larissa was completely immobilized with strong nylon straps, and her wrists were also tied with tape.
Her ankles are in leather cuffs and her big toes are also bound with leather.
This is a beautiful image to see! She can barely move, and as she is gagged with tape I can only hear the perplexed and reticent grunts of this beautiful blonde!
With her completely surrendered, I move towards what I like most, which are the soles of her feet. Larissa has big, pink soles. I enjoy and feel the heat emanating from the soles. The smell is also very good. A true visual, tactile and olfactory delight!
I start the tickling with my fingers, but soon I decide to take a fork from the kitchen to increase this sensitivity. As soon as the metal touches her soles she can no longer hold back and reacts without really understanding what I m using to cause her so much agony.
I also use hairbrushes on her soles, and I notice the desperation increasing as I explore point by point of this pink, s

  • 00:14:35
  • Jun 13, 2024
  • 72


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