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curvaceous bella deserves a salute! 947h

Do you like girls with long legs and big round tits? Well then Luis is right up your alley! This blue eyed gem from the Czech Republic will have your loins setting a blaze with her curves and sensual attitude. Don t take my word for it though, dive right into her DDF set and find out for yourself!
Her raven black hair matches with her ultra sexy black lingerie, stockings and heels, and what knock out combo that is with her piercing blue eyes. Her tits and ass come straight out of a playboy magazine and will have you wondering for days what she must be like in bed. She s beyond perfect in every physical way imaginable, from her tattoos to her piercings, just a dream!

  • 00:02:04
  • May 22, 2002
  • 58


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