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great masturbation with heels and banana

I love bananas! They are my favorite fruit, so sweet and creamy. I like to eat them for breakfast, as a snack or even as a dessert. And then they are so versatile: you can put them in smoothies, cakes, pancakes... in short, I never get tired of eating them.
But my other great passion is high heels. They immediately make me feel more feminine, more elegant, more confident. I love the sound of heels on the floor, the way they slim the figure and highlight the legs. Sure, they re not always super comfortable, but for me it s worth it. Wearing a nice pair of high heels makes me feel ready to conquer the world!
What if both were used in this video solely for my pleasure? Bananas and heels up my ass to widen my beautiful little hole until I exhaust myself in a great fantastic orgasm!

  • 00:15:38
  • Jun 13, 2024
  • 22


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