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meeting desperate to pee vika pissing her yoga pants

Whoa, who is this super hot, tall blonde outside the bathroom & she looks like she really needs to pee... bounding around and pressing her lycra clad legs together. She s looking more & more desperate by the second! This is your chance to talk to her, you need the bathroom too. She s startled when she sees you behind her & you make pleasant talk while she attempts to hide her desperation but she really cant! She admits how badly she needs to pee & talks all things desperation related. But she can t hang on any longer & it starts hissing & dripping out of her spandex yoga pants loudly splashing on the floor!! 2 angles as she loses bladder control and wets herself completely. She s embarrassed but you re there to comfort her and also ask her on a date! Wow, she s flattered & interested. She laughs it off once she sees you re enjoying the wet leggings but now, how to get out of this house party without anyone noticing. in the Behind-The-Scenes let s see her pis

  • 00:09:30
  • Jun 10, 2024
  • 69


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