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Sweeping thru local shopping centers is where I found myself with Ramon. We were trying to snag one of the many gorgeous older mature woman looking for a good ol time! I saw Anita arguing with who I assume is her man on her cell phone.. after a rough hang up.. I ask her to stop and chat. I talk her into coming back to the pad for some good ol glamour shots... once we get back there.. all inhibitions stayed at the door.. Ramon pulled out his huge cock and Anita jumped at the chance to shove it in her mouth and give a memorable blowjob! I can t forget to mention how stacked Anita is.. great round big boobs and a juicy round bubble butt ass to go along with it!Ramon handled business like the professional he is and fucked her tight pussy into oblivion! . It was great!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 03, 2006
  • 212


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