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blue eyes brunette smashed in at the beach

A cute tourist with nice blue eyes is laying at the beach... taking the sun, she has full open legs and the sun ray are warming her just where it must be !! 2 guys are as well here, watching at her, and the youngest one bets $200 that he gonna fuck her. So he just goes to her and the little slut who was just hopping that directly takes his cock and blows him !!! She sucks so deep that he almost cum... but he must fuck her if he wants to win the bet. So, as she seems to be a real whore, he directly puts his cock deep into her pussy. He gonn a dismont her here on the beach, while his friend is watching at them astonished. And to show that it really worthed $200, he ends by cuming onto her cute little angel face. A very good scene, simple but dynamic and efficient, exactly what we need in this so cold winter...
Tags : porn, porno, teen, fucking, outdoor, pornstar, blowjob, brunette, fuck, young, beach, hard, hardsex, blue-eyes, big-cock, big-dick, juan-z, small-tits, outdoor-sex, beach

  • 00:03:33
  • Jul 21, 2022
  • 22


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