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she likes him for sextoyboy!

Yakima is in her office room. Our cameraman comes to see her for a while and realises that she has a man on the sofa. He can t move, he can t talk, he is her sex slave! The cameraman suggests to do something just for the sake of seing what happens. Yakima starts teasing him, and sucking his dick! The guy is fucked, but likes the girl making him hot, and of course can t resist! Once he has no tape anymore and no handcuffs anymore, he gets fucking wild and shags her as much as he can. Pleasure and vengeance come together to top this very hot hardcore scene! Don t you miss that one!
Tags : anal, dildo, hardcore, blonde, deepthroat, spanking, latex, submissive, domination, ass-fucking, assfuck, hardsex, casting, small-tits, spandex, leggings, anal-sex, yakima, small-boobs, terry-kemaco

  • 00:32:48
  • Jun 19, 2022
  • 22


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