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two girls fill each other s desires 905h

You asked us to post more girl-girl sets - so here is another one! Goodness is this a hot one or what!? You have Sarah H., the 5 7 Czech babe with 34D melons that look so suckable and fuckable that they should be showcased in a Things we need to fuck and suck museum. And then you have Venus, another babe from Prague with 34C s, just amazing combo!
The girls get down and dirty straight away and Sarah has 2 skillful fingers in Venus twat while Venus rests her soles on those 34D knockers! Some sixty-nine and salad tossing ensue before the girls bang each other good with a pink double ended dong! They even ride each other, they must have graduated from the skillful double dong acrobatics school! Some anal play some into action when Venus has her legs thrown behind her head and Sarah get s jiggy with those two fingers again. Couple of charmers indeed!

  • 00:27:33
  • Jan 18, 2002
  • 36


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