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have a little fun 7665h

Hey there Guys, what going on? It’s me Nataly along with my girlfriend Prada. I went for a late lunch with my friend George and then we came back to my place to have a little fun. When we walked in we found Prada sleeping on the sofa with her shoes still on and wearing her cute flowered dress. George went over and sat on the back of the sofa began rubbing her legs but being careful not to wake her up as I sat down on the sofa and rubbed her cute little feet. George kneeled down behind the sofa and continued rubbing her legs and I got up on my knees into Doggy and started kissing and licking her legs. I slipped off her shoes and began licking and sucking on her toes and then George came down and we started kissing before sucking on her toes in tandem. George came around from behind the sofa and began rubbing and kissing me all over my sexy tanned ass, lifting up my skirt and rubbing my nyloned covered legs and kissing my ass and then my boots. George just up and ripped my pantyhose and

  • 00:04:04
  • Jul 16, 2006
  • 54


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