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behind the scenes gone wild

Have you ever set out to do something specific only to have everything go in a completely different direction then you expected...thats exactly what happened here when i met up with our hot european friend Katja. I was simply planning on breaking in our new cameraman Douglas by shooting some behind the scenes with him at Katjas hotel room the night before her real shoot and surprising him with an unexpected BJ from Katja (as long as she was willing since we were actually unexpected ourselves)Luckily Katja was cool with it we had a great laugh and our cameraman had a great bj. Things got wild after i took Katja out on the town to get some behind the scenes footage and we bump into our friend thing leads to another we all go back to her hotel room and shoot a full on assfucking update...wild i tell you, cant think of a better way to break in a newbee. So this shoot is a little different but only in the sense that its totally behind the scenes but still has all the sucking and fucking, not to mention one scorching hot european ass to go along with it, so i know you wall will enjoy it...unless youre a homo.

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 08, 2006
  • 248


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