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luana - bondage, domination, bastinado and controlled orgasms!

I have Luana properly tied to the bed by her wrists and ankles. She is completely naked with her legs and arms open providing a great view of her pussy, soles, face and breasts. Everything I like to explore in a submissive.
Her body has been delivered. I get close to her, touching her body, feeling the tension that my every movement creates in Luana s body. This feeds my desires, and I begin to give her some breast pain with the bamboo pole and also stimulate her pussy electronically. As soon as the stimulator touches her pussy, her body contorts between pleasure and agony. Sensations that I cut off when I realize that they are providing orgasms.
Then I use my tongue to, after a while, stimulate her pussy again, stop and go to her feet, explore her soles with tickling and pain, and again provide pleasure while denying the orgasm.
As I don t like endless cycles, I end the session with a series of lashes on her thighs, and leave her pinned to the bed.

  • 00:18:09
  • May 30, 2024
  • 54


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