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Yes indeedie! Here we are yet again my fine feathered friends... another grand adventure from the Bang Bros. family! So check the scenario... I was with my cuban connection on our way to link up with Ramon... when fuckin Driver decided to pull over and buy some fruit from random latin guy in a van... sheesh.. you d think they were trying to steal MY CLIENTS ... HA... always that! Anyways... after the produce fix was handled... we go to pick up King Chile himself! Apparently he had hooked up with some fresh Cuban meat at some club the nite before and told her about our interviews ... well... let s just say that never underestimate the power of daddy greenbacks... so yeah.. we get in the van and she was full of that fiesty latina flavor... I love it... Her great natural perky tits and round juicy bubble butt ass were hiding somewhere underneath her rags... and after some quick b/s shit.. we got down to the dirty ... immigrant chick needs dollars.. so we step in and trade off... to the point where she didn t even care about her actions being filmed... I don t know you guys was the quote of the day... well.. when Ramon unleashed the demon cock.. it was a yo MTV rap... that quickly lead to an intense blowjob session that was promptly followed by the slaying of the floating water monster by Dongzilla.. he fucked her tight latina pussy to oblivion.. I must admit..Eva.. that s her name.. was reluctant about getting into our van... like she was in PuertoRico and was being carted away.. well.. it s not THAT bad.. but still.. she should ve followed her basic instinct... haha... Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 16, 2006
  • 219


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