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I love going to the beach in spring time. It is the best time to get some top quality ass. All the beautiful Latin mamasitas are out and they just want to get fucked. This update is about a pretty Puerto Rican beauty named Giselle. She is a hot girl with a giant ass. Her bronze figure and her beautiful face are unreal. I asked her out right on the beach and we just sat and enjoyed the day filming her booty. I was telling her to get naked right on the beach,and she was loving it. We headed to my hotel room where I could see more of it. She then took my pants off,and just sucked on my cock until I was hot and ready to fuck her. Her ass was bouncing and it was just a pleasant experience. I would like to say it in Spanish, that Giselle is a Culo Sabroso .

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 13, 2008
  • 235


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