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Rebecca Jane Smythe and Savannah Gold were getting ready to head back to their hotel when two attractive men emerged to greet them at their cars. It was clear the only thing on everyone s mind at that moment was sex and the couples pair off to have an outdoor foursome. Savannah takes it hard from behind as she drapes her leg over the rear trunk of the car for even deeper penetration.Haley Cummings will get your dick hard in a hurry, once she lays back on her bed while her lover licks out her shaved . Next, she gives him a partial handjob and blowjob, before he rams his throbbing pole deep into her soaking wet vagina, where he continues screwing her in several positions, until she gets a facial and pearl necklace cumshot.Krystal Webb loves going to the Fun Factory, especially when her best friend Paige Ashley comes along for the fun. She s a blonde, but her brunette friend really knows how to find the best positions for maximum pleasure. They just might turn lesbian from the intense orgasms they keep having every time they get together like this.

  • 01:09:22
  • May 27, 2024
  • 91


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