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the sybian

For those of you who read my blog youve allready heard me whine on about how nusy of been lately and you also know to make myself feel better i treated myself to a little gift. Well actually its quite a big gift and it goes by the name of Sybian. Pretty weird name huh, like something from another planet...or maybe something from the planet sybian hehehe lol... anyway i am sharing my entire first experience with the sybian with all of you guys, this includes me trying to figure out how it works which let me telkl you did take sometime figuring out but even figuring it out was alota fun as im sure you guys will find out. Once i did figure it out boy oh boy did i have a blast this thing sounds like an airplane egine when its on boy does it ever pack a punch.. and speaking of things from another planet the orgasm this thing gave me!!!!! let me just sum it up in 2 words: wow wee!!! after i broke the sybians cherry me and my camera man had some scifi fun with the sex toy from a far out ga

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 23, 2006
  • 167


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