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The lesbian dominatrix Brandy Smile humiliates her hot roommate Cristine in the kitchen. The brunette babe with blue eyes is supposed to serve her mistress coffee but she simply can’t get it done right. Time to teach her a lesson. The strong glamour dom bends her sub forward and spanks her naked ass with her bare hands. She looks very convincing in her tight latex skirt and black costume. She ties that chick to the glass table and smashes those butt cheeks with her hands. After further spanking, she crams her sub’s tight young pussy with a huge black dildo and bangs that snatch as if there was no tomorrow. Cristine’s punishment heats up with Cristine licking pussy and shoving her tongue deep Brandy’s wet box. The dominatrix makes Cristine’s tight cunny gape and she squeezes her hard nipples, while cramming her quim over and over again with that enormous dong. When the scene comes to an end, Brandy finally enjoys that cup of coffee.

  • 00:21:57
  • May 23, 2024
  • 43


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