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a taste of jade s pumpkin tits

I know last week was halloween, but this video was actually done the week before. Who cares, i just have to say it..Anyways we had this idea of driving around getting this girls, give them pumpkings and get some ass. It didn nt work that way, but we meet this gorgeous girl name Jade Skye ... Yes, i know it is a stripper name, but this girl has the most amazing set of tits i have seen in a while. All natural, all pretty, big pumpkin tits. When you get in the car with Jade there isn t much room for anything because of her gigantic tits. But, she manages to find room to wiggle around and free my boy Jimmy Deen s cock so that she can wrap her lips around it and suck on it. She was pretty good at that, but then she kind of got a little afraid of his cock and i had to calm her down. She does have a lot of pull with her giant physique. I was just blown out of my mind. I actually tough in fucking her myself, but after giving her a couple of dollars (literally), We said goodby to her big breasts and headed home...

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 06, 2007
  • 193


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