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helping my best friends wife

Me and Steven have been best friends for 10 plus years and I told him and his new wife if they ever needed me to help with anything I would be there. Stevens wife Crystal called me and said she needed help fixing her coffee machine cause she is tired of spending money going to get coffee so I told her I would be over to fix it. I get to their place and Steven is out of town on business and to be honest Steven isn t really a handyman anyways. She shows me the machine to fix it and the only thing that needed to be done is plugging it in. I was kind of confused cause thats common sense that a machine has to be plugged in to work. She came back to the kitchen and I told her that its fixed and just needed to be plugged in. She thanked me and started to touch on me and it felt like she was flirting, so I went to the bathroom to cool off and get my mind right. I decided I was going to walk out of the bathroom and tell her I am leaving and go home, but to my surprise when I walked out of the b

  • 00:16:17
  • May 21, 2024
  • 94


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