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once you go black

Leana Lovings needed help with her Africa studies. Jonathan Jordan was just the man with the right knowledge. A few trivia points later Leana popped the question that was really on her mind. Are black cocks bigger? Jonathan blushed. He really didn’t want to say. So Leana started to draw her idea of how big a black dick might be. Jonathan quickly corrected her. She would need 2 pieces of paper. Horizontally. Now Leana wanted to see the real thing. It took her a while to convince Jonathan that it was for education only. When he finally took out his monster cock Leana was amazed. She has never seen a dick this big. She took it in her mouth. Correction. She took the tip of the dick in her mouth. Only a very small tip fit. She sucked the tip. Then they fucked. Obviously there was no way the whole dick could go into her tiny pussy but at least she tried to squeeze in as much as possible. So they fucked like rabbits until Jonathan shot a giant load all over her glasses.

  • 00:47:33
  • Mar 21, 2022
  • 1695


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