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jacking more than a lantern at the grab ass offices for halloween.

Holidays are no escape from the Boss and his antics around the offices. It’s Halloween and the Boss has brought gifts for all his hard working employees. Of course, they are all cock related. to say, this isn’t raising company morale. The costumes he let the employees wear was to help keep morale but the Boss screwed that up. He just had to have a big floppy dick as part of his costume. Morale flopped more than his big fake cock when he flashed it to everyone. Spirits were low. It would have got worse if everyone saw the Boss fucking a pumpkin, thankfully only a few did. Sensing the tension, the Boss brought a pie to ease things. Adding his semen to it only succeeded in making everything saltier. The Boss hoped letting his employees play a game would change course. Most people would have just kept it simple and played bobbing for apples. The Boss, however, had to add his flavor to it. People weren’t exactly thrilled to be playing bobbing for cocks. The loser wasn’t thri

  • 00:42:18
  • Oct 27, 2016
  • 174


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