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starla sterling on the monster!

This week we have one of the hottest babes in porn coming to pay us a visit. Starla Sterling is her name and she got the sexiest body on the net. Long sexy legs and big juicy round tits. She came to get a taste of the monster. Apperantly, she has had some of Ramon before, Starla just couldn t get enough. So, we hooked her up. I called up Ramon and told him to ride on down to one of my many illustrious houses, cause you know how we roll over here at bangbros. Yeah we got to come over and meet up with Starla and let me tell you the look of shock and awe never wore out from Starlas last visit. She still gasped at the immense size of the monster. But that soon wore off when she put in her mouth. So don t miss this one Starla s gonna put all 12-inches inside her pussy and give the best blowjob you ll ever see on the monster.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 28, 2008
  • 167


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