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maximum arousal due to pain and control of air

Canvas floats in the middle of the room. The ropes of the suspension bondage enclose his shoulders, hips and feet. Liberation is not to be thought of.

Miss Yara has positioned a mask on his head. Thus, he can only get air through a tiny hole. He is completely at the mercy of the mistress.

And she makes good use of the power she has gained.

His mistress ties off his balls and then connects them to his ankles. The pull on the balls makes the slave experience a first dry orgasm. Then the mistress stimulates him further, but very gently on the cock. Once again it is all over him and he twitches all over his body during his second orgasm. But also this time no sperm comes out yet. His mistress amuses herself magnificently while she grants him less and less air. She finally stimulates him so much that he finally gets to experience a third orgasm.

  • 00:10:46
  • May 27, 2024
  • 38


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