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jingle these bells

Two busty babes enjoying Christmas Eve in full Santa regalia. Kyra and Patty bring their sexy selves and stunning racks as the gifts that keeps you cumming!
Kyra gloms onto Patty’s 34D knockers and then Patty returns the favor on Kyra’s 36Cs. Their bells jiggle and sway with their moves of lust!. The Santa outfits slide away so they can lap at their pussies and lick at their nipples. The girls take out a double dong to satisfy the heat building to a climax in their sexy slots. Rubbing the long toy between their knockers, licking it, pressing it between their cleavage, they lay back to pancake their paps while sticking the dong in both of their boxes.

  • 00:21:15
  • May 14, 2024
  • 36


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