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lady in a footlocker

Standing in shiny clear leggings and ballet style heels right out of master 1950s fetish artist John Willie, the top half of Lucy s form is actually INSIDE an old footlocker, and when Frank M., wearing a mask and suit, opens the locker s top, we see Lucy within, wearing a form-fitting gray latex body suit and mask.
Conveniently, there are holes on the bottom of both her outfit and the footlocker for the insertion of a throbbing prick, and after Frank closes the footlocker again, encasing Lucy in the darkness, he fucks those holes. It is a truly bizarre and unsettling image unlike any you may have ever seen before! Then Frank opens the footlocker, fondles Lucy’s breasts through her tight latex covering, and then undoes the mouth and eye holes of her mask, so they can first kiss, and then she can take his prick into her mouth as it juts out of his pants. Lucy gets on her knees and worships his meat, the enormous shaft sliding in and out of her mask’s mouth hole. Then Frank opens the f

  • 00:27:34
  • May 15, 2024
  • 70


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