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spring break . volume 3

Whats up, fellas? Our 3rd Spring Break Bang Series is here. Today I decided to go over to Fort Lauderdale. This guy AJ seems like knows how to take care of business on the Bus so I took him with me. Some dude named Serg kept e-mailing me every single day asking to let him drive the Bang Bus. I was ignoring this weirdo for a years until he finally got me. It turned out that he resides in Fort Lauderdale so I gave it a shoot. He was so happy when I gave him the keys and a t-shirt. Well you all know we do everything that it takes in order to make someone happy. Anyway here whats happen. Serg took us over to this restaurant area saying that we can find a lot to pick from there. To be honest with you, we didn t succeed. As the matter of fact we actually sucked, but at least we met this kind gentleman on Ferrari who told us where to search. So we went to the beach. I don t know something wasn t right this day. We spent an hour to find some decent chick to talk with. After we spoke with some white trash representatives from Tennessee, a 75 year old woman, and some other peeps we finally met this Canadian girl walking alone on the sidewalk. Fortunately for us it was going to be raining and I offered her to get inside so she wont get wet. It didn t help cause she finally got wet, but it happened a half an hour later and inside. AJ took care of this girl in the best Bang Bus traditions. She was riding his cock like a wild woman. The drop of was great. Check this out.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 03, 2007
  • 183


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