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horny nerds who are too shy to step outside, meet a guy in the real world

Holly West will always and forever be a giver and today she s giving Jay Taylor a lesson in lesbian love. Jay has never been with a woman before but the best way to learn is by doing! From the comfort of Holly s living room couch she slowly undresses Jay and slaps her perky ass. Then she teaches her how to lick pussy. Jay takes to it right away and Holly cums hard before they even scissor!Trina Michaels is colorblind. Well, actually she isn t colorblind but her pussy and asshole are for sure. It doesn t matter who is climbing on top of her to bone that bottom... just as long as they are rock hard and real big!Chloe Conrad is all about the horny nerds at home who are too shy to step outside their front door and meet girls in the real world. She comes over every week or so and slips her fake boobed body down on this nerd s horny cock right in the convenience of his home office.

  • 01:34:10
  • May 14, 2024
  • 64


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