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breaking me?! (part 9)

At this point my clit is on fire!!! Not only am I clearly soaking right through my cute cotton panties, but all of the subtlest touches are now amplified by like a hundred!!

I remember realizing just how fucking sensitive I was when he started to lightly massage my feet, WHILE vibrating my clit with that crazy feather! When he went back to the simultaneous nipple and clit teasing, I felt the humming pleasure shaking through my entire body! I needed to cum! So. Bad!

I still won’t admit that I “broke” or “was breaking” but I was being the weakest form of submissive I had ever been, and that’s the ONLY admission you’re gonna get from me!

I was so ready to cum, that I was even able to take our powerful vibrator - Something that usually my clit is WAY to ticklish too handle! The first orgasm took me completely off guard though, and shot through my body like a super charged rocket, and I mean super charged! Maybe it’s because I thought he was gonna literally edge me en

  • 00:19:38
  • Jun 25, 2024
  • 48


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